Reconnecting with old friends, familiar and friendly staff at the Center, perfect weather, and making new friends made for another great weekend at AMC’s Highland Center in Crawford Notch, NH.
August AMC weekend
Room 216, the best we've had so far!
great for an afternoon leg stretch
Saco lake
Janice leads the way
the late afternoon light is so nice
the tiniest toadstool
at the Mt. Washington Hotel
Saturday's hike to Mt. Eisenhower
macros are great
it starts innocently enough, but this trail kicks butt!
Fran and Gail
The first of a few stream crossings
I tried a slow shutter speed
rest stop
Indian Pipes
here we go... all the way up
our first good view of how high we are
"the Gateway"
Cog railway going up
Summit of Mt. Washington
it’s a rare day that it is that clear up there
out of the trees and into the sunlight we arrive
the Alpine zone
at the turnoff to the summit
almost there
Cairns mark the way
Mica-a great trail dog
quite a lunch crowd at the summit
2 weeks prior, it was hailing on top of Mt. Washington
Mica really wanted a bite of my turkey sandwich
the trusty Beans are still going strong!
no summit marker, but it is 4761 ft. high
Mt. Washington Hotel (center), Bretton Woods ski area to left
white smoke is from descending trains
heading down. The path to Mt. Monroe ahead
exactly my idea!
campfire Saturday night
who can resist toasting marshmallows?
Sunday morning-Gail, Fran and Janice
hike to Bugle Cliffs, led by Tom
view from Bugle Cliffs
Scenic Railway
Tom (center) gives a lecture on the "leave no trace" ethic
Crawford Notch
view from Elephant Head, which is below Bugle Cliffs
tres amigas
girl on rock
girl on big rock
the Notch from Elephant’s head
close to the edge
nice boot!
poor butterfly- didn’t make it